
Watching "Ah Wang Xin Zhuan" at the same time. Ah wang is like damn sweet lah. Haha. Met Phoebe, Azreena, Yenchun and Evonne. Siewhwee suppose to meet us but she overslept again. Went to eat at Family Internation Buffet(?) Anyway, got a Lee jeans and "Tuo Qiang Shi Jie" part2. Home~ed with yenchun and phoebe.

I am bleeding inside.
12:20 AM


I'm late for the first time for meeting hwee and shanny. Got my hair cut. Just neater, that's all. Went to orchard to get the tickets for the star award and met up with desmond. Went habourfront to eat and walk all the way to St James Power Station. Desmond got a free admission to the star awards cause there's this lady gave it to him. He went inside and he say it's damn classy. Hahaha. I saw Elvin Ng Jun Xiong!!! He's damn CUTE!! After that we went to watch Cinderella and it's okay. But shan fell asleep la-_- Headed home and met fish. So walked home with fish. Hwee and Shan said that they want to come my house to borrow vcds. Well i should have charge them man. Now louisa is jealous over Elvin Ng

My love, is okay, we will run together like there's no end.
They are the reasons why we stood by each other.
My blood is bleeding for you.
We shall live like there's no tomorrow

I am bleeding inside.
12:13 AM


Sorry. Sometimes things that i say will hurt you. But soon things will turn out fine. I know it will. I really don't want to hurt you but this is the best for the both of us.

I am bleeding inside.
11:49 PM

I swear that I'm going to cut my hair on sunday. Oh man! Francesca just remind me about N result. 18 of Dec please don't come. "Wo de ye man nai nai" is damn nice la. Maochun and Shiyi so sweet la. hahaha. I'm waiting for that show about "ah wang":)

I am bleeding inside.
11:35 PM


CRAP!! I'm feeling emo while listening to sad songs and I'm tearing at the same time. I'm really very lost now. Someone PLS SAVE ME!! I guess i have lost it all. You guys hate me so kill me cause the pain inside is so unbearable. I really don't know what to do. Why can't my life be as simple as possible? Walk with me, you say you will but there's no sign of you. I'm going to practice how to numb my feelings. Don't blame me if I'm mean to you. Things will never be the same.


I am bleeding inside.
2:46 AM

If i know what to do, i swear i will never break your fragile heart

I am bleeding inside.
2:10 AM

Prom was boring so I'm not going to blog about it. After prom was fun la. Hahaha! Me, shan, cher , marisse, phoebs and pau(bao ling) went to walk around cause after all we still need to cab home. We were laughing all the way and we kept running for fun. Haha.

I am bleeding inside.
1:58 AM